If your business and ability to make sales have suffered due to the impact of pandemic, please keep in mind that all is not lost! It’s been speculated that the consumer preferences and impact of this virus may last in the long run. However, things will fall into place and people around the world might adopt the “new normal”.
To combat the effects of Coronavirus, today the trend of e-commerce website development is rapidly increasing. To be honest, e-commerce might become a workable solution to keep your business running during and after the virus. In the meantime, here are a few tips for adjusting your e-commerce tactics in this new and changing world.
Stay in touch with manufacturers:
Things are not simpler at this point in time, there are a lot of factors at play right now. You may or may not see the increase in demand on your e-store — either way, the supply of products is a sensitive area.
Stay in touch with your manufacturers about what steps they are taking for seamless production and how they deal with obvious factors swaying their business. You need to know all of this before you plan for your business. Try to be as informed as possible about all phases of your supply chain.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket:
Initially, coronavirus was largely centered in China. It is where many sellers source their products from. The situation caused inventory shortages for those who were restricted from one supplier over there and couldn’t find the alternate anywhere else at that time.
Now China is gradually but certainly resuming business as usual, but many other countries are still corona sensitive. Businesses should consider having a few different options to rely on to mitigate risk.
Start an online store to make the most in Holiday Season:
With people bound to stay at home, we saw a large decrease in brick-and-mortar business or in worst cases shop closures. As the holiday season is starting soon and online buying and selling are projected to hit the roof, it’s about time for brick-and-mortar businesses to start selling through an online store if they don’t already have one. If they do, then they should concentrate on their online activities and optimize their digital presence as many other businesses did with the help of Shopify certified partners/companies.
Take help from SOLSNET to set up your online store. Get in touch with us to request the portfolio of our work.
Update product details:
In these uncertain times, companies should make sure that they communicate with customers as transparently as possible. If there are any changes in services, products out of stock, or shipments taking longer, customers should be informed about it. You can win them for a longer run by being clear and meeting expectations.
Special offers and discounts:
Due to economic uncertainty, people have become more price-sensitive these days. Sellers can try offering a special online discount or a price slash on the items that may have higher demand. These tactics could be a good way to draw shoppers back to your online store.
It is about time to make adjustments according to the change in customer needs and behavior while preparing to get back to the new normal. In a nutshell, stay optimistic and think tactically, so that you can help your business sustain through!